Welcome to The HUB
Need assistance?
For agency specific training questions: Please contact your agency HR or Training Office.
After three unsuccessful login attempts: Your account will be temporarily disabled due to invalid login attempts. You can try again in one hour.
Forgot your Username? To obtain your username (employee ID) click on the “Forgot Username?” link below the login button. This will take you to the Payroll Online Service Center (POSC) login screen. Login to POSC and click the “View SPS Employee ID” button to view your SPS employee ID (username).
Forgot your password? To reset your password, click on the “Forgot Password?” link below the login button. Please type your Username in the box marked “Login Credential:” to receive a password reset link. NOTE: If your work email is not in Workday under Work Contacts section, then you will not receive a password reset link. In this case, please call the SPS Help Desk to reset your password at 410 767-4112. And, please remember to update your work email in Workday.
For additional assistance: Please contact DBM Shared Services at 410 767-4112 |